Complete Covid-19 Testing Solutions

With multiple testing options for different needs in expanding industries, our rapid testing kits will provide you the most efficient way to keep you, your companions, and employees safe from Covid-19.

  • Customizable testing methods depending on needs.
  • Physician and CDC approved safety protocols to initiate and distribute testing kits.
  • Start-to-Finish support from initial testing to the distribution of results.
  • Interactive and easy-to-use digital reports for testing on all users.

Flexible testing solutions

Onsite testing at your place of business.

With our workplace rapid testing solutions, you can be confident in a clean and safe work environment with results shown in as little as 15 minutes.

Results in Minutes

Virus Control for Multiple Needs

Whether you require antigen, rapid, or testing for travel requirements. Lab To You can provide all of your testing needs for any need. Our testing methods will provide confidence and reduce stress as we learn to cope and evolve during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Our Testing Kits

We offer a variety of Covid-19 tests for different environments and scenarios. Find a test that best fits your needs below.

IGM-IGG Testing

This Finger-Poke test checks for antibodies to show current as well as past infection of Covid-19. Test results will be sent right to your profile.

Antigen Testing

This nasal swab test will show results within 15 minutes and can be used with a high-capacity environment - with up to 30 tests in an hour. Test results will be sent right to your profile.

RT-PCR Testing

This test works for anyone traveling to another country that is required to be tested and to avoid quarantine. Test results will be shown next day and will be sent to your profile.

Start Planning Your Return to the Workforce